Customers and industry peers will be attending the conference, so don't wait until you're there to find out how to talk to them and what to talk to them about. Instead, prepare ahead via social media. Now let me be clear: I'm not suggesting that you be friends with people on Facebook if they don't know you. However, some fairly simple searches of their public posts, Twitter feed, and LinkedIn profiles will likely yield key information such as: What is the person's work history? What topics do they talk about the most? What non-professional topics interest them? (
That's the key!) Are they married and do they have children? And more. You get where I'm going. Armed with an array of information about the people you meet, there will be no awkward silence. Plus, you'll have the opportunity to connect with them on a jewelry retouching service human level. I often remember two quotes from the great Dale Carnegie: “The royal road to a man's heart is to tell him of the things he cherishes the most. et “When dealing with people, remember that you are dealing not with logical creatures,
but with emotional creatures. Both of these are true. Yes, this person probably wants to talk shop with you, but there are a lot of people who do. The difference will come in the unprofessional speech. Let's say you are talking to a potential client; they'll probably talk to half a dozen other people with offers like yours. The difference will come from discussing their favorite sports team, a movie they've seen, or - the one I found works well - a person who inspires them (like Dale Carnegie!). Log in in advance Connect before the conference.