Humans and animals have been inextricably linked since ancient times. From the beginning of raising animals for fur and animal meat, to now treating them as family-like existences, thousands of years of domestication and mutual understanding have gone through. In the modern age where technology and medical research are increasingly developed, owners want to have a glimpse of the world of pets in their homes through various ways.
Among these fresh products, which of these fresh products can really help humans understand them better? This time, we invited Dr. Lin Zixuan from " Duel, Cat Boy " to take us into the sensory world of furry children through animal photo background removing medicine, behavior and physiological structure, starting from the functions of technological products. Vision Articles | Pet Perspective in GoPro Cameras Many owners wear GoPro camera straps for their dogs when they go out, trying to understand what their dogs see from their point of view. But is the video that people see really what the dog sees? 1 Photo Credit: The World Through Animal Eyes Children's book "The World Through Animal Eyes" (Photo Credit: The World Through Animal Eyes ) In fact, except for the most obvious height difference, the eyes of each animal have different functions.
For example, in order to observe prey at high altitudes, birds have strong deep and shallow focal lengths, dynamic vision, and a wide field of view of 240 degrees. It can also recognize more colors than humans. And cats and dogs are of course different from us. Compared to chimpanzees, which have nearly the same visual effects as humans, dogs can see color bands that fall between yellow and blue, and what we call red is very difficult to identify for them. At the same time, because of the difference in the thickness of the crystals, they seem to be born with a myopia-like effect to humans, and the vision seen is very blurred. However, due to the fact that the eyes are on both sides, dogs can see a much wider field of vision than humans.